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About the North Hills Amatuer Radio Club

The purpose of the North Hills Amateur Radio Club of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as stated in our bylaws, is:

  • To foster and encourage the development and education and associated communications sciences in the North Hills area of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania and surrounding areas.
  • To promote a better general understanding of the amateur radio community to the general public, and promote friendly relations with people of other countries of the world.
  • To be of service to the community and the country at all times, and encourage its members to participate in Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service/ Civil Defense(RACES) and Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) activities.
  • To conduct programs for the education of its members and the community regarding amateur radio licensing and associated sciences.
  • To provide pleasure and recreation, on a non profit basis, to its members and the community in connection with amateur radio and associated communication sciences.
  • To carry on all lawful activities which may directly or indirectly contribute to the accomplishments of any such purpose.
  • We operate and maintain five repeaters in the Pittsburgh area. These repeaters are open to every licensed amateur radio operator.
  • The 147.09 repeater is our clubs flagship repeater. It is located on WPXI’s tower and is 1500 ft. above sea level. This repeater has the widest area coverage and is used for emergency communication, ARES and Skywarn severe storm spotters.
  • The 146.88 repeater is the one of the oldest repeaters in Pittsburgh and is located 1400 ft above sea level on WQED TV-13 tower in Oakland. This repeater is the backup to the 147.09 repeater for emergency use.
  • 444.40 is the oldest 440 repeater in Pittsburgh. This is also located at WPXI.
  • The 444.35 repeater is our newest D-Star repeater. This is the first all digital repeater with the ability to connect via the gateway to any D-Star repeater in the world.
  • The 224.10 repeater is our Club's smallest repeater located at Chatham University's Eden Hall campus in Richland Township.

Many of our members actively participate in community events in Pittsburgh every year. The St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Pittsburgh Marathon, Diabetes Walk, the Race for the Cure, and The Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix to name a few.

We also are active in the Allegheny County Skywarn nets. These members are trained by the National Weather Service to be severe storm spotters. When the weather service issues a severe weather warning, the net is activated and the member who is net control can contact the National Weather Service directly via amateur radio.

Our club participates in Field Day which simulates emergency communications during a national emergency. We also participate in the Boy Scouts of America Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) which is an international scouting event.

NHARC Membership:

Annual membership dues are $25. Fill out a membership form here.


2022 Club Officers:

  • President:
    Ed DeHart, WA3YOA
  • Vice President:
    John Jennings, KC3MMC
  • Secretary:
    Mark Earnest, KB3LYB
  • Treasurer:
    Eric Fowler, WV3E
  • Activities Director:
    Gary Rindfuss, KC3KSC
  • Equipment Trustee:
    Jim Hartman, KC3AZV
  • Chairman of the Board:

Contact Us:

North Hills ARC
P.O. Box 15333 Pittsburgh, PA 15237

Club e-mail: info@nharc.org

© 2019 NHARC